Occasionally, a customer may decide to cancel a purchase or subscription, necessitating the return of funds, commonly referred to as a refund. When the payment has not been captured, the process is straightforward: the merchant can simply cancel the payment, and the funds are promptly returned to the customer’s account. However, if the funds have […]
Occasionally, a customer may decide to cancel a purchase or subscription, necessitating the return of funds, commonly referred to as a refund.
When the payment has not been captured, the process is straightforward: the merchant can simply cancel the payment, and the funds are promptly returned to the customer’s account. However, if the funds have already been captured, the refund process may require additional time for processing.
If a merchant disputes a refund request, a customer may make a chargeback request – you can learn more about this in our ‘Chargebacks’ definition in this glossary.
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